The Creative Innovation Blog

Quiet Hiring Leads To Quiet Quitting
While the intention behind quiet hiring may be to reduce distractions and maintain confidentiality, it can have negative consequences that undermine team dynamics and organizational culture because it leads to resentment and distrust. Those lower creativity, innovation, and, ultimately, morale. We will explore how this can lead to quiet quitting (where individuals are unwilling to put in any extra effort and save their energy for those they see as willing to invest in them).

Rethinking Getting What You Pay For (AKA Quiet Quitting)
Plenty of companies and individuals fail to see these Quiet Quitters as a way to gain an advantage in the marketplace. They are the same companies that take too long to adapt and battle a market full of competitors on price over commodities. The inability to value people first often translates into a failure to directly appreciate customers in a meaningful way to bring true innovation.

Why are your employees leaving?
More changes are poised to happen in the next decade than have taken place in the last 25 years, and that is saying something. The emergence of a pandemic slowed that down with lockdowns and now with a lagging supply chain. Add to that, what has been dubbed the Great Resignation, and any thoughts of ‘going back to business as usual’ are fantasies. Why are so many people leaving and what might be done about it.