The Creative Innovation Blog

Embracing Imperfection: Letting Go of the Fear of Being Wrong for Personal Growth
The heaviest weight you can lose is the opinions of others that make you smaller.

Who Defines Your Fun?
Fun can be shared in large groups, but it is always experienced by the individual. Understanding that individualistic perception of the experience is what opens up the possibility of diversity, exploration, and discovery. It brings authentic self-expression and personal well-being to life so that we may live a fun, fulfilled, and happy existence.

Success Traits
This post briefly touches on the top five traits for success. Grit, Saying No, Creative Communication, Demonstrating Humility and Following to Lead.

Pareto Principle & Creativity
The Pareto Principle also applies to creativity. When done correctly it will lead to true innovation that delivers greater productivity.

Formula for Change
C=DxFxV>R is the formula for change. Any one of the factors being zero eliminates any hope to overcome the resistance that inhibits change.

3 Things To Get Your Creativity Back
Here are three things you can immediately do to get your creative mojo flowing at work and at home. These can lead to laughter, team building, and easier innovation.

Struggles Of Change: A Star Wars Lesson
What can Star Wars and balance teach us about the struggles of change? It turns out a great deal. Anytime we try to bring balance to something that is imbalanced, it is work. Often that work can be seen as unproductive for the person having to do it and that brings struggle.