The Creative Innovation Blog

How To Achieve Your Innovative Mindset
An innovative mindset is often characterized by a relentless pursuit of novelty and improvement. It is not merely about generating new ideas but also about the implementation and execution of those ideas in ways that create value. This mindset is distinct from an entrepreneurial mindset, which often focuses on identifying and exploiting business opportunities. While both mindsets value creativity and initiative, an innovative mindset emphasizes the process of making something new or improved, regardless of the entrepreneurial outcome.

How to be Innovative: Unlocking Creativity in Everyday Tasks
To foster innovation in the mundane, one must first recognize the potential in everyday challenges. Whether it's finding a new route to work to spark different thoughts or reimagining how to organize your workspace for better productivity, innovation starts with a willingness to question and experiment. It’s about turning the coffee-making ritual into a test lab for efficiency or seeing a team meeting as a chance to brainstorm creatively, rather than a time sink.

Multitasking Costs Creative & Productivity- The Switch Cost Effect
While multitasking might make us feel productive, it can also lead to a phenomenon known as the "switch cost effect." This cognitive phenomenon has a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, including creative innovation and productivity. It is estimated to take 23 minutes to regain the level of focus we had on a task from even just a moment of interruption. How many interruptions do you have in a day?

Who Defines Your Fun?
Fun can be shared in large groups, but it is always experienced by the individual. Understanding that individualistic perception of the experience is what opens up the possibility of diversity, exploration, and discovery. It brings authentic self-expression and personal well-being to life so that we may live a fun, fulfilled, and happy existence.

Quiet Hiring Leads To Quiet Quitting
While the intention behind quiet hiring may be to reduce distractions and maintain confidentiality, it can have negative consequences that undermine team dynamics and organizational culture because it leads to resentment and distrust. Those lower creativity, innovation, and, ultimately, morale. We will explore how this can lead to quiet quitting (where individuals are unwilling to put in any extra effort and save their energy for those they see as willing to invest in them).

Success Traits
This post briefly touches on the top five traits for success. Grit, Saying No, Creative Communication, Demonstrating Humility and Following to Lead.

Pareto Principle & Creativity
The Pareto Principle also applies to creativity. When done correctly it will lead to true innovation that delivers greater productivity.

Creativity Requires Time
The question you may have is, how do you find the time? The answer is you don't. You already have it.The only thing you have that is truly yours is time.The problem is you are too diluted, meaning you simply need to stop doing some things. That is a radical notion, but it is the only logical one. Take a lunch, do not take work home after being at the office all day, and absolutely sign out when you are on holidays, vacations, or just days off.

Kids insight into stress relief
Kids get stressed like adults. They also start to learn to hide it at an early age so they aren’t adding stress to others.

Demonstrate Empowerment
When a baby takes its first steps, your hands might be there as a safeguard, but you have to let go. When they fall on their bottom, you celebrate the attempt and don't criticize the F.A.I.L. because you know they will get there in the end. Empowerment is no different.

Communicating Direction
If you aren’t prepared to set the vision, give the prioritization of goals, and effectively communicate it, then how can you expect your organization to be on the same page?